Golfsmith Email & Web

Project Description

Golfsmith needed a new clubs landing page and email promotions that promoted their excellent selection of golf clubs and golf apparel to its customers.

My responsibilities included creating a concept and look and feel for the New Clubs landing page, After18, Black Friday, and Callaway emails, designing mock-ups, and writing HTML for each.

The New Clubs landing page added a carousel slider as well as javascript hover state over the thumbnail images of golf clubs to give the viewer information on the clubs before clicking through. In addition the hover states heightened the SEO for the landing page making it one of the highest ranking on the entire Golfsmith site. The After18 email rated the highest click-through of the quarter it was sent in. The Black Friday email accounted for 30% of the traffic to the website on Black Friday and was instrumental in Golfsmith achieving its first ever million dollar day on the Golfsmith website.

Project Details

Client: Golfsmith

Tags: Design, Email, Web

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